Friday, February 17, 2012

My Ecological Footprint

For my Environmental Science class I have been asked to calculate my ecological footprint. I never really thought about how many planets it would take to support my lifestyle. According to the results on the activities in my lifestyle if everyone lived like me, there would be the need of 4.4 Planet Earths to provide enough resources. I am a little surprised about this. I always thought I was doing ok. I drive a VW and I don’t drive very far. I try to recycle and I conserve water. I guess I need to take a better look at the way I have been living. 19.6 global acres of the Earths productive area is needed to support my lifestyle. I need to take a good look at what I can do to improve my lifestyle, especially concerning what I eat. I should consider reducing the amount of animal-products I eat by half. If everyone could cut animal-products consumed by half than 645 million fewer global acres would be used. That’s a lot. Not to mention better for your health and well-being.  

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