Friday, February 17, 2012

A Little About Me

Hello my name is Kirsten and this is my first blog. I am taking an amazing class at RCC with Dr. Huff. The class is Environmental Science. I would like to tell you a little about myself.
I was born and raised in Riverside. I work less than a mile from the RCC campus. I live maybe two miles. I was born at Community Hospital which is basically across the street. The funny thing is that my children were born there too. That’s right I have two children. Actually I have two teenagers. I have a daughter named Zoe who is 19 years old and a son named Jonah who is 16. They think it’s rather unexciting that we haven’t lived anywhere else. We have been in the same house for 13 years. I love Riverside and I love my neighborhood and my job.
Let me tell you a little about my job…I work for the City of Riverside. I work in Public Works. I love my job! It's exciting to be apart of everything. Here’s another little funny something…both my parents worked for the City of Riverside. Of course they are retired now but they worked here too. My kids laugh at me and make fun of me because I love Riverside. I rarely leave it. The furthest I might go is the Galleria which is only a few miles away and within the city limits. My parents live up behind UCR and my sister lives on my street. So I have everything I need within a few miles.
I have been a long time RCC student. When I graduated High School I enrolled in CSSB. But I met my ex-husband and we got married very young. The marriage didn’t work out but I did get Zoe and Jonah out of it. When I turned 30 I decided to take a class at RCC. That was 11 years ago. Because I am a single mom and have a full time job I couldn’t take but one class at a time at first. So here I am now 11 years later with 62 units. I have increased the amount of classes I could take as my children got older. Now that both my kids are driving, this Spring I am taking 12 units. I can now take my education a little more serious. I am one class away from earning an AA in Administration & Information and AS in Business Administration. That one class is the class I am taking with Dr. Huff, Environmental Science. Luckily Dr. Huff is very enthusiastic and I think it’s going to be great! I checked Dr. Huff out on Rate My Professor and I liked what students had to say about her. The class description is very interesting that’s why I choose this type of Science class. I am already excited and it’s only the first week..

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